Skin CV

Curating Canada’s best medical aesthetics providers

SkinCV is Canada’s leading collection of curated


Welcome to SkinCV

SkinCV is not just a booking platform. It’s a benchmark for quality. And in the unruly world of med spas, it’s the only mark of quality you’ll need.

There are 6000+ med spas listed online. The choice is overwhelming. The standard is dispiriting.

So thank you internet for the quantity, but it’s high time we turn the corner to quality.

Restaurants have the Michelin Star.

Books have the New York Times Bestseller List.

Med spas have the SkinCV.

500 hand-picked clinics from 8000+ cities in Canada

In the past we’ve all had to trust Google reviews written by complete strangers.

Apparently Ruby from Calgary ‘loved everything about it’, but Paolina thought the clinic was ‘inexperienced and not happy with results’. Who is right? Who is wrong? Does Ruby even exist?

That’s where SkinCV steps in. (How does vetting work?)

Our unique blend of subject matter expertise, customer-centric focus, and cutting-edge AI technology has propelled us into an exceptional league of our own.

Every provider that makes the grade is then handed over to one of our in-house experts. They interview the provider for multiple factors that will ensure clients will have the best possible experience.

  • We vet every provider to ensure they are experienced, responsive and attentive.
  • We check that every clinic is spotlessly clean and safe.
  • We ensure the before and after photos show you a true reflection of the your goals.